Film & TV Language: Film poster analysis


STORYLINE: I think the film might be about conflict between humans and androids, because of the positioning, where they separated in two parts of the poster. I think the storyline might follow the main character having to save everyone from from the androids taking over.

GENRE:I think the genre of the film is an sci-fi because the poster reveals the setting of the film looking dystopian with androids. The genre can also be action because of the main character holding a gun or some sort of weapon, this shows that there is fighting and discord. 

TARGET: I think that the target audience are young adults, because the dramatic and tension-filled scenes tend to appeal to younger audiences. 

  • Enigma code - The protagonist leaves a question of who is he looking at, and who is he about to shoot.
  • Positioning - Makes it seem like there's rivalry between humans and androids, communicating the plot.
  • Props - Reveals the characters purposes.  Makes the protagonist more heroic with the gun and the antagonist more of a villain with the cigarette.
  • Lighting - the protagonist is surrounded by light, creating a more positive approach to his character, whereas the antagonist is shrouded in darkness giving her a bad initial impression.


STORYLINE: I think the film is about and follows a group of people as scary things happen to them which is documented in a funny way in an attempt to parody classic horror tropes.

GENRE: The genre is horror and comedy, making it a hybrid genre,  the character over-dramatized expressions which look unserious. It is also hinted by the critics comment "Absolutely Hilarious".

AUDIENCE: The audience must be young adults as the horror is mainly marketed toward that demographic, and combining this with comedy makes it even more appealing for them. Especially, as all the characters seem to look not too old themselves creating a sense of relatability.


  • Enigma code - leaves the question of what/who if in front of them, and what/who are they looking at.
  • Tagline - Makes the movie seem even more unserious than it already is.

STORYLINE: I think the story follows a man and includes a depressing and sad storyline. The setting of dark clouds portrayed in the poster sort of forbodes a heart-breaking story.

GENRE: The genre is art house, because it looks like a movie that was not made as a money making scheme, rather to be appreciated as art, and to tell a moral.

AUDIENCES: The audiences may be those of the middle classes, and appeals to a more niche audience. Also, because it looks like it carries serious themes.

  • Enigma code - he is an enigma himself, he appears like a silhouette and facing way from the camera, making him mysterious. 
  • Longshot - The longshot reveals his surroundings which are desolate, and unpleasant to reflect his own miserable life.  The mans size compared to the setting, perhaps connotes that he is trying to find and discover himself.
  • Desaturation - The desaturation is done to represent the heavy themes that might be present in the film, rather than using vibrant, and neon colours which would miscommunicate the plot.


STORYLINE: I think that the story follows a boy who comes across scary things, maybe he's looking for something or on a mission?

GENRE: The genre could be thriller, because it is not presented outwardly as horror, but as something that has a storyline that includes shocking moments.

AUDIENCE: The audience for this can be all ages, as this was marketed to be watched outside of its country of origin, this is clear from the translation of the title.

  • Enigma code - there is a question of who the boy is looking at. 
  • Low angle shot - This choice of angle, makes the audience feel like they're a part of the set up, inside the pit the boy is looking at.
  • Critics comment - shows how the acting intensifies the genre.

STORYLINE: I think that the storyline follows a group of people who fight a common enemy, I can infer this from the positioning of the characters as the five at the top make one unit, and there's a person at the bottom who looks like the antagonist.

GENRE: The genre is action, as the people are holding props, this intensifies the action genre. Moreover, the use of wind creates the idea they are on the move making it seem more dramatic. 

AUDIENCE: The audience for this film is young adults, because the action genre appeals more to younger audiences.

  • Enigma code - there is a question posed of what/who are they all looking at.

STORYLINE: The movie follows a group of pirates and people who are trying to find some kind of treasure, I can infer this from the title.

GENRE: The genre is action, because the props convey this. Moreover, this is also adventure, as you follow the characters on a mission to find treasure. Also, fantasy, because there ghosts and other elements.

AUDIENCE: The is audience young adults, and teenagers because the fantasy setting makes it more engaging for younger audiences.

  • Breaking the 4th wall - The characters look straight at the audience, engaging directly with the audiences.
  • Colours - the lack of colour introduces the setting as gloomy, dark.

 STORYLINE: The story must be about two people meeting and falling in love.

GENRE: The genre is a hybrid of  romance and comedy, I can infer this from the man and woman being positioned at the front together. Moreover, the people celebrating convey that it has light-hearted, easy to digest movie, creating the impression of a comedy. Overall, this is a bolly-wood.

AUDIENCE: The audience can be all of ages, and seems to be a movie to watch with family.

  • Colours - the vibrant colours make it more lively, conveying the happy themes.

STORYLINE: The storyline could be about a woman who is a boxer, going through life and competing in tournaments. Perhaps, she’s also training to become the strongest.
GENRE: The genre is sports, I can infer this from her stance making her look like a fighter. It also seems like a drama because it looks more serious and dramatised.

AUDIENCE: The audience could be for all people, because there are aspects which can appeal to all groups. 
  • Lighting - the dark lighting draws a more serious emotion.
  •  Enigma code - they are all looking at different things and we don’t know what.


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