
Showing posts from September, 2024

Film & TV Language: Mise-en-scene recreation practical task

 Plan The Blair Witch Project - Apology scene I will be recreating from 0:00 to 0:30 Costume : To replicate the original character I got my actor to wear a white beanie, as no other elements on the screen will be seen. Lighting : The lighting is overall dark, but I used my phone flashlight to be the harsh light on the side of her face. Actors expressions : I made sure she looked as sad and pitiful as possible, just like the original.  Make-up : She is wearing no make-up because the original has a very raw, bare face. Props: There are no props. Setting : I filmed in a room with a black background so I could get the lighting as dark as possible.  Script. In a dark room, a harsh light on the side of her face, which has quite a pitiful expression.  Heather: I just want to apologise to Mike's mum.. and Josh's mum Trembling breath, almost crying. Heather: I'm sorry to everyone. Still, with tremoring breath. Heather: I was very  (she looks away) naïve . Her tremoring voice become

Mise-en-scene blog tasks

    TRAIN TO BUSAN. Costume : The girl seems to be dressed quite innocently, she looks and dresses like a child making her seem more vulnerable.  The man at the fronts' clothes are smart with a dress shirt and trousers, however, they look dishevelled, and contaminated with blood implying that he has been fighting. Lighting: The lighting is overall dark, but there is only light revealing what is inside the train, hiding the outside, focusing the audience onto the action before them. It also lights up the protagonist , highlighting him whilst he does heroic deeds.  Actor (placement) : The placement of the actors is significant because the protagonist stands at the front, reinforcing his role as the main protector. The little girl standing behind him is sandwiched between the two of them, as she cannot protect herself, she depends on the others.  Make-up and hair : The make-up is very mute, and neutral, with no colour. However, the blood on their face is indicative of their fighting,

Film Analysis - Media Awards

BLOOM - TULIKA:  Cinematography/camerawork : The cinematography was very effective as it was used to focus on different parts of the surroundings and the character bringing a fast pace , which gives it a more exhilarating feel to watch. Moreover, the zooms in allow us to see the characters expressions properly, letting the audience know exactly what they feel.  Costume :   The main character of the production wears full black, foreboding that there is something hidden, and she is something to be scared of. However, for the other characters they wear normal, casual clothing as expected of a the youth.  Lighting : There is good use of lighting when the character gains her supernatural traits, the bright light from the sun behind her makes he seem like she is gaining power. Moreover., when the character in the mask appears, he has purple lighting supporting him, this separates him from the others, and creates a ominous feel whilst compelling the audience to look.  Actor expressions : Fo

Film & TV Language: Film poster analysis

  STORYLINE: I think the film might be about conflict between humans and androids, because of the positioning , where they separated in two parts of the poster. I think the storyline might follow the main character having to save everyone from from the androids taking over. GENRE: I think the genre of the film is an sci-fi because the poster reveals the setting of the film looking dystopian with androids. The genre can also be action because of the main character holding a gun or some sort of weapon, this shows that there is fighting and discord.  TARGET:  I think that the target audience are young adults, because the dramatic and tension-filled scenes tend to appeal to younger audiences.  KEY FEATURES:  Enigma code - The protagonist leaves a question of who is he looking at, and who is he about to shoot. Positioning - Makes it seem like there's rivalry between humans and androids, communicating the plot. Props - Reveals the characters purposes.  Makes the protagonist more he